Biography of Andrew Sharma, FCA

After training with a five partner practice in London, I worked at two other practices and later joined a Plc as an Accountant and gained extensive commercial experience in a fast moving retail sector with presence on virtually every major High Street in the Country.

I returned to General Practice which was my passion and after two years with a small practice, I set up Andrew Sharma & Co in 1984. My focus was and remains to provide a complete accounting service for the SME sector from start-ups to established businesses. My satisfaction comes from helping clients achieve their goals and ambitions and my work is about helping clients add value to their personal and business wealth

Areas that I can help with:

  • Audit
  • Accounting
  • Tax Compliance
  • Corporate and personal tax planning
  • Business accounting procedures
  • Cloud Accounting
  • Quasi FD (Financial Director) work
  • Investments
  • Takeovers and mergers
  • Business plans
  • Business set up, structure and exit route advice
  • Preparing UK accounts for Non-UK resident companies and related tax compliance (ATED)
  • Registering Overseas Entities with Companies House

Dealing with Cross border issues

Other interests

I am a past Chairman of North West London Chartered Accountants Association.

I enjoy all sports and play Golf time permitting and spend time with family and friends. I am active in many fraternities and associations.